Audrey Leuba / Jean-Blaise Eckert
Estate Planning
The Swiss Perspecitve
Basel 2024
380 pages
Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag
CHF 128.00
ISBN 978-3-7190-4439-8
Book (hardcover)
Inhalt / Rezension
This book, written in English, deals with many aspects of succession and transfer of assets in the context of Swiss succession.
The work deals with issues such as general problems
- dispositions upon death such as wills and inheritance contracts under Swiss law;
- living wills;
- company succession upon death;
- transfers of art collections;
- transfer of assets for philanthropic purposes (for example by means of a foundation).
The book also deals with
- specific problems of families with international ties
- handling of proceedings in different legal systems.
It contains usual aids and services for their development.
The editors› aim was to publish a work that is both: scientific and yet easily accessible and applicable in practice.
List of Authors
Christine Arndt
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist SBA Family Law, Mediator SBA, Lecturer at the University of Zurich, part-time Judge at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court
Daniel Bader
lic. oec., Certified Tax Expert
Yvo Biderbost
Dr. iur., Head of Legal Services, Child and Adult Protection Authority of the City of Zurich, Lecturer at the Universi-ties of Zurich, Lucerne and Fribourg
Andrea Dorjee-Good
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Certified
Specialist SBA Inheritance Law, TEP
Jean-Blaise Eckert
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, MBA (Berkeley), Certified Tax Expert, Certified Spe-cialist SBA Inheritance Law
Balz Hösly
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law, Mediator SBA, TEP
Gladys Laffely Maillard
lic. iur., Tax advisor
Audrey Leuba
President of the University of Geneva,
former Professor at the Faculty of Law
Jean-Fredebric Maraia
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Lecturer
at the University of Geneva
Justine Markovitz
Benott Merkt
Dr. iur., MJur (Oxon), Attorney-at-Law
Stefan Oesterhelt
lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law, Certified Tax Expert
Philippe Pulfer
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, TEP
Tobias Somary
lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law, Certi-
fied Specialist SBA Inheritance Law, TEP
David W. Wilson
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, M.C.J. (NYU), TEP
Tina Wüstemann
lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law
- 1 Instruments of Inheritance Law
Audrey Leuba/Tobias Somary - 2 Advance Care Directives
Yvo Biderbost/Andrea Dorjee-Good - 3 Private Insurance and Pension Funds
Gladys Laffely Maillard - 4 De Facto Relationships
Christine Arndt - 5 Business Transfers upon Death
Balz Hösly/Jean-Blaise Eckert - 6 Philanthropy
Benoit Merkt/Stefan Oesterhelt - 7 Artwork and Art Collections
David W Wilson/Jean-Frädäric Maraia - 8 Trusts, Foundations and other Instruments
Tina Wüstemann/Daniel Bader - 9 Families with International Exposure: Continental vs Anglo-American Systems
Justine Markovitz
Estate Planning and transfer of assets
Instructive information on the Swiss law of succession
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